RAMAIR Filters bespoke Rocket-3 underclaw filter.

A heap of people coming out of the closet ya reckon mate ? and reverting to standard intake lol
Some though may only revert to a single under-tank filter. What does this indicate one wonders?.

One try of triple K&N's were enough for me to go back to a single - but a Ramair released me. It's all very confusing, dahrling!
Cos they are all the same as far as the air filter is concerned....
I love this air filter what brand and where can I get one please...

Neville Lush Racing - in South Australia ph- 08 8552 7433. Support the guy working in a tin shed.
I too am looking at getting one, any other Brissy boys want to do a group buy through Lushy?Might save a little on postage.

More like "out of the barn" than " out of the closet" for Woodenbongyens wouldn't it mate..
Lushy quoted me $19.00 postage. He had to use a bigger bag than he thought actuall cost was $24.00, Neville wore the difference as he had quoted me $19.00 if he had let me know I would have paid the extra. He is a good man to deal with I recommend dealing with a man in Aust. Instead of EBay. You can ring him and talk to him and get a bit of advice.
I love this air filter what brand and where can I get one please...
Are you after the filter or the OZ Claw that covers it. As Mittzy said you can get the Ramair filter from Neville Lush. The OZ Claw is made by Ozrider (Les)