RAMAIR Filters bespoke Rocket-3 underclaw filter.

A heap of people coming out of the closet ya reckon mate ? and reverting to standard intake lol:rolleyes::D
Some though may only revert to a single under-tank filter. What does this indicate one wonders?.

One try of triple K&N's were enough for me to go back to a single - but a Ramair released me. It's all very confusing, dahrling!
I love this air filter what brand and where can I get one please...

Neville Lush Racing - in South Australia ph- 08 8552 7433. Support the guy working in a tin shed.
I too am looking at getting one, any other Brissy boys want to do a group buy through Lushy?Might save a little on postage.
I'm still running the standard intake but I havn't told anyone so that means I'm still in the closet right? Or am I out side the closet trying to get in? Who's in the closet? Why do I need to get in or out? Who's out of the closet? Too many questions my heads spinning. I think I'll put on a Village People C.D. and have a lie down.

More like "out of the barn" than " out of the closet" for Woodenbongyens wouldn't it mate.. :roll:
Lushy quoted me $19.00 postage. He had to use a bigger bag than he thought actuall cost was $24.00, Neville wore the difference as he had quoted me $19.00 if he had let me know I would have paid the extra. He is a good man to deal with I recommend dealing with a man in Aust. Instead of EBay. You can ring him and talk to him and get a bit of advice.
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