Ramair filter arrived...

Hans, i figured the AT would do all the AF compensation needed, I was interested to know what changes were noticed.
I am in Perth at the moment and will fit my RAMAIR on Sunday.
Fitting the RAMAIR filter this weekend, any tips and tricks I should know.
1) Make sure you push it firmly into place before tightening the clamps - one or two have had problems by being over cautious. I'm not suggesting a hammer but be firm.

2) Wear old underwear on the first ride - you'll be ditching them anyway so why sully new ones!.
Ok, removing all the unused air in take bits was the biggest pain. I am having trouble keeping the front two on takes of the ramair on the throttle bodies, they keep coming off. It feels like the pipe clips are bottoming out and not tightening enough to stop the ramair from popping off.
The clips feel tight but the front two keep coming off the throttle bodies.
No matter what I do the front two keep coming off the throttle bodies, I see there is a raised lip on the throttle bodies to locate the stock air tubes which have a coresponding grove.
I will have another try in the morning.
Slacken off the coolant overflow bottle bolt so you can give the front end a good firm shove down. and hold it down while you tighten.
Apart from what Chris has said about the coolant bottle, check that the filter mounting tubes are tight against the bosses on both ends of the throttle body assembly (red arrow). Plus don't over-tighten the clips as the filter base is made from silicone and if squeezed too tightly it can make it pop off.

Also there was a chap on a German site that had a similar problem and he made a lot of noise about it , turned out it he had the clips too tight before mounting filter which stopped him from pushing fully home.
I left the RAMAIR on thenthrottle bodies over night without the clamps, this morning i was very carefulle to ensure the filter tubes were pushed on all the way as per the photo and was sure not to over tighten the clamp screws, went for a ride, the bike went well, noise level did not seem any louder than stock, on the way back I heard some chirping when opening the throttle, I am not sure if this was the secondaries as I had not heard them before or sucking some air.
When I got back removed bar claw, the front one had moved off a little, lossened the clamps a little and pushed the RAMAIR all the way one again and retightened the clamps.
The unit fits under the claw nicely, just have to get this fitting onto the throttle bodies right, I would hate to have them not seal correctly.
Will have another ride later today.

Just put the system on the bike and it is a well fitting unit if you follow the instructions carefully. No issues with it slipping off or riding up off the intake. A little noise from the system but that was probably due to the fact I didn't have the claw on as I wanted to check if the unit was secure enough. Brackets for the coolant bottle are temporary for now. "All" of the original air intake ducting has been removed.