Ramair filter arrived...

The tune I had in mind is a unrestricted tune for std exhaust cat delete and triple K&N's, but to ensure it is not going to be lean I will add 5 to 10% fuel so if any thing it may be a tad rich, your call I would suggest only 5% if you still run a std cat box

Been away from home since early Friday so didn't get your mail with attached tunes until this morning, thanks Hanso, you's is a good fella. :)
Are these things a flammable foam?

SHIIIIIT these can burn :evil:i hope mitch is right about cause could be using too much oil

SHIIIIIT these can burn :evil:i hope mitch is right about cause could be using too much oil
I didnt say the cause of this was too much oil pete . My post wasnt directed at this pic at all brother I was just saying fred uses too much oil on his K & N filters if it is dripping over everything . I have no idea bout the fire thing but its irrelavent anyway because its not the same foam as ramair
Battersea, You should map the bike, any filter which removes the stock system is so far different it is not funny. I have tested this set up and out of courtesy am awaiting an email back from Dan at Ramair before posting results. As to the PCV pulling out fuel with the AT, it will pull out all your accelaration fuel,when you give it the berries. Thats why your map makes numbers on the A Tune. Results are good for the Ramair on a stock engine, good option for those who wish to retain the bearclaw on their bike. There is nothing wrong with a PC if set up well. Better to have a well set up PC than some dodgy tune from some one half way round the world, using different fuel, air filters etc etc.

Neville, do you still intend to post those results?

SHIIIIIT these can burn :evil:i hope mitch is right about cause could be using too much oil

You had your bike tuned by Nev did you not, so I highly doubt it is going to backfire and cause that result as I believe from memory is what was suspected cause