ramair cracked

I have their private email somewhere at home - I'll point them at this thread.

I've had mine on over a year - no rubber cracking - and it's still soft and pliable. I know because I took it off to try a different filter about a month ago. Quickly returned to the RAMAIR.
I line mine up with throttle bodies just sitting on with clamps slightly loose , use 2 zip ties like bruce around the filter and fuel rail , tighten the zips as i push the rubber boots over the throttle body and then tighten the clamps just enough so they wont spin. Imortant thing also is the make sure the screws on the clamps arnt fouling on any part of the throttlebody setup , that helps pop the filter off.
Mine also buggered up but not as bad as the ones posted. I just used some lock tight glue and it's been ok since. However there is a design flaw in my opinion and that is there is a groove around the inner circumference on the original which matches with the ridge around the throttle bodies exterior circumference. Nothing on the Ramair at all and also the rubber is extremely soft when they are new. Wash the inner lip with petrol before fitting to get rid of the greasy oily texture. I left mine for a day or two after washing and the rubber went firmer than it was originally. No further probs with splitting. Test the originals and the Ramair for difference in texture you'll see what I mean.
Ramair,,,,,Please explain.
One might also consider buying some better quality hose clips as the ones supplied tend to twist on the boddies as you nip them up also running the risk of damage. I used the original clamps and changed the screws for longer ones. Just a option for you to try.
For some reason I was never enthused with this Ramair filter thing. It looked "cheap" compared to what they was asking for it.
Yes well they would say that so how come the Triumph velocity rubbers have "never" split, ever. Over tightened, give me a break Ramair. Inferior clips just for a start !!
Ramair have replied
They want photos and are saying they think i hav over tightened
What a Cop Out
I tighten the Fu**er out of K&N's and have had them on and off quite a few times ...... no cracks, tears or anything else ...... tell them to wake up to them selves and use a Decent Quality Material end of issue if they did