Room availability in Red Lodge isn't looking to good for the 20th. Maybe we should just stay in Cody for 2 nights and take a slightly longer day ride.
An alternate for Red Lodge is Lovell, WY. Still an easy day ride to Red Lodge and Cody.
I have called and found the Western Motel with $63 rooms. They now have 14 two bed rooms available!
I think we should all jump on this. There are other nearby hotels IF we should overflow it.

What is advantage of Wednesday night in Lovell as compared to 2 days in Cody with good day rides ? Just asking ????
Room availability in Red Lodge isn't looking to good for the 20th. Maybe we should just stay in Cody for 2 nights and take a slightly longer day ride.

Would not be slightly longer, Bill. Spearfish to Lovell is 330 miles. Spearfish to Cody is 512 miles.
This is the awesome roads & scenic route I have planned:
When figuring in stops at Devil's Tower, Red Lodge, on the Beartooth Pass and on Dead Indian Pass, it shall be a very full two days ride.
I see. Looks good Steve. ???

Is 2 days at the Black Hills enough time for the folks who are traveling a long distance ??? Might we extend the time there by a day ???

Hopefully the Western in Lovell will work well?
I spoke to Nenette there - 14 two bed rooms available to date.
I see. Looks good Steve. ???
Is 2 days at the Black Hills enough time for the folks who are traveling a long distance ??? Might we extend the time there by a day ???

Would work for me.
Don't know about the others.
Two days can cover it, but a third would allow for more stops to soak in local color.

I am for it!! one room for me go ahead and book it when you call them
You guys figure out where we all going to be, staying in different cities defeats the porpuse of RAA, half of the fun is the hanging around together, i want to see yellowstone, Rushmore, Devils tower and want to make it fun, and no, i can not do 98.5 miles per hour, i will follow the slow crew

This confuses me, Amigo. Do you prefer everybody just wing it (find their own) on the rooms?
Do you NOT want a rolling RAA?
Please explain further how you would like it?
All you speak of will be seen and Yellowstone is an easy ride west from Cody.
Nobody will be left behind out on the road.
I just want everyone to have fun!