" The baseline, then, is that freedom of movement within and between states is Constitutionally protected. "
That whole document shows just how close we are to to a total tyranny.

If the testing in the courts does not work out well there may be "testing" in the streets. I'm telling you guys this corona thing is a political mess. You can do anything and suspend any law out there in the name of public health.
That whole document shows just how close we are to to a total tyranny.

If the testing in the courts does not work out well there may be "testing" in the streets. I'm telling you guys this corona thing is a political mess. You can do anything and suspend any law out there in the name of public health.
I must admit I was surprised by the percentage of people in California that want the Government to tell them how to eat, sleep and think from cradle to grave. Anyone that has a different opinion appears to be the enemy.
Remember that time that the mods said political talk would get a thread locked and deleted? It'd be a shame if we lost the RAA 2020 thread, wouldn't it?
I sure hope I did not endanger the thread. I was just worried that politicians might have the power to cancel our vacations. Let us pray for the best.
Dad and I are looking at getting new rubber for the trip. Looking at the pictures below, how many more miles do you think these tires have left? Thanks in advance!

Tire one:

IMG_1716..jpg IMG_1717..jpg IMG_1718..jpg

Tire two:
IMG_20200817_071753_01.jpg IMG_20200817_071737_01.jpg