I stopped for gas in Meridian, MS and several HD's rode in to gas up when one pulls up and offers me to come hang out and eat with them at a Wounded Warrior event in town. They are doing a fund raising ride to the wall in Washington.
I told the guy thanks but I had to get home. He said that about 500 bikes were coming in from Jackson. Many had rode from California. Very nice dude. Had a Christian Motorcycle group patch on the back of his vest.
Several miles later I passed the riders going the other direction. Police escort of about 40 bikes then the rest of the guys. Impressive!!!! 500 bikes of all kinds.
I tried to find a place to pull over and get some pics but I was in a single lane construction zone.
**** the timing.
Why until sunday??:confused:

They were on their way to some adventure bike area where SPEED magazine was going to do an evaluation story and photo shoot. They had some big name racer with them but I can't recall the name.

They were staying at the Mountaineer Hotel and the owner contacted Rob and Gabi since she heard about the RAA event. Hence, the Triumph truck showed up.