RAA VII Update

The current count is

#people : 51
# Bikes : 35
Food fri: 46
Food Sat:39
Food Sun:46

OK its starting to be crunch time for me and I need your help ... so if you are planning on attending I need some basic information asap in order to start working out the logistics of the event . Please post or send via PM and do not cut corners I know alot of you but please don't assume I can read your mind I need to get things firmed up in the next couple of weeks

See example below.

Captain's Name
: Steve Cowherd
Handle : scowherd
city/state : Simpsonville, Kentucky
Best way to contact : scowherd@me.com
Number In Party: 2
Number of Bikes: 2

Number eating at Friday nights cookout :
2 (fish fry will collect donations to cover cost)
Number eating at Saturday's catered meal : 2 (Cost will be approx 15.00 a head pay in advance Menu to come)
Number eating at Sunday nights cookout : 2 (Burger and Brats - will collect donations to cover cost)

I still need volunteers for the following : Please include what you are interested in and what days;

1) Ride Captains (need one more)
2) Food Preparation
3) Door Prizes Donations
5) Beverage Coordinator (Beer *****) make Booze Runs and keep ice on the group stash.
6) Treasurer - Collect manage donation for food and beer
RAA attendance

Captain's Name : Matt Watson
Handle : Watsonian
city/state : Atlanta, Georgia
Best way to contact : matt_watson@me.com
Number In Party: 4 (Yankee - Doug Sawyer, Brian Lueke, Scott Luther)
Number of Bikes: 4

Number eating at Friday nights cookout : 4
Number eating at Saturday's catered meal : 4
Number eating at Sunday nights cookout : 4

I will help with the following:
Food Preparation
Beverage Coordinator
RAA VII Counts

# people - 55
# Bikes - 38

Time is getting close and I expected the count to be much higher based on the original feedback and the room bookings if you are coming please let me know ASAP... I was hoping to break last years record but it looks like thats not happening :( .....

I made a new years resolution that I would continue to coordinate RAA as long as it kept growing. At this rate looks like i will be retiring this year. I really enjoy doing this event every year so help me out and please attend......
# people - 55
# Bikes - 38

Time is getting close and I expected the count to be much higher based on the original feedback and the room bookings if you are coming please let me know ASAP... I was hoping to break last years record but it looks like thats not happening :( .....

I made a new years resolution that I would continue to coordinate RAA as long as it kept growing. At this rate looks like i will be retiring this year. I really enjoy doing this event every year so help me out and please attend......

Steve,I am looking at bringing the Millennium Falcon down as I have her out of dry dock. I still have some more break in miles to put on her and have only had her up to 162 mph so far but the transmition seems to be holding up well and she is pulling so hard,well its just plain scarry:eek::eek:
I haven't made any Reservations yet not sure if I am going to or wait and see if I can luck out once I am there or at least a couple days before I leave. I don't want to jinx myself and well April to September is riot season where I work so I have learned not to make concrete plans!!
Holiday Motel is still booked solid . . . is it not?

I had a couple of others that MAY come along but they arent thrilled about staying away from the group.
Holiday Motel is still booked solid . . . is it not?

I had a couple of others that MAY come along but they arent thrilled about staying away from the group.

I believe the overflow is being booked in the Sweet Briar which is about 100 yds west of the A Holiday.

Google Maps

With the party rolling into the wee hours, it might be a good option.
Trust me. I've been to two RAA's and it is not a bad idea to be at the other hotel. It is within walking distance by maybe 5 minutes.

Steve.... I am having a slow go of getting the super charger on the bike. Steep learning curve. I am going to put a post up on the tech forum for help on a couple of problems.
Trust me. I've been to two RAA's and it is not a bad idea to be at the other hotel. It is within walking distance by maybe 5 minutes.

Steve.... I am having a slow go of getting the super charger on the bike. Steep learning curve. I am going to put a post up on the tech forum for help on a couple of problems.

Be carefull not many here have done a blower install and of the few only a couple did it successfully. Not that anyone would steer you wrong on purpose a good guy to also bounce questions off is Pedro (Ya Peter I am outing you) he is in Perth, Also Stefan aka R34MEE. Do not contact cycle solutions Ask todd nelson he is buying his third crankshaft:eek:
Todd had his done by Hombre's top tech at psyco solutions three times and well after the fourth he only needs new head, valves, cams, liners and a few other little things. (I should add that the fourth time the crankshaft did not break, the tensioner failed and well its history now)

I have not heard from Leif since he bounced his valves off his pistons right after the blower install (Cam Timing is critical). The Blower kit Les got came off a bike that broke the crank and bent every valve, Geek law is waiting on his crankshaft to be repaired in the UK as no one in his area would give it a shot.
Its all about proper installation and of course proper mapping helps a bunch.

Read the directions so many times that you have them memorized then still use them when doing the install.