RAA Oklahoma edition (fall launch) set date.

Rainman and my old a$$ punched out 723 glorious monsoon miles and are just now at his and STB's in Tennessee. What a ride. Torrential down pours and trying to keep up with Jay in the rain at 85 mph. Felt like I was walking a tightrope of dental floss across a volcano. That Rocket still walks the dog. Spaceship did ok. Glad I had new rubber for sure. Folks kept trying to take Jay out. Deer, semi and one dipstick went of on the right berm to pass Jay and then came back on the highway really close to his front wheel. Thought I was an arse until I witnessed that dip$h1t. That ride will last me until spring for a memory. You ain't lived until you watch Jay disappear into a wall of water and you look at the Speedo and realize he is walking away at 80 plus mph. Go big or go home. Thx to all.
Look outside, Amigo!

Beautiful and for the next week. Cool and dry so I took a nice ride today.

Lupe, it just happens I know and rain or shine, whenever a bunch of us wild and crazy bikers get together we always have fun. I was looking forward to some beautiful Arkansas riding pics, since I've never been there, but there is always next year.

I have an open trailer but the friend who I sold my Nomad to told me I can use his 6x10 box trailer for next year.
Had a great time @sonny glad to meet you and maybe next time u won't sleep all day and we can go riding
It was great that clint and his buddy came if it was for only one night we still had fun
Lupe that's a pretty good place if we make it back in that area again maybe the wheather will look cooperate
Rick next time you go riding in the rain remember to wear water proof boots and your feet won't get wet
And it was great seeing and riding with you again
The outlaw what can I say always great when we get together roughly bout 2000 miles this weekend for us in sun and rain day and night
What a great ride we had
Until next time

I also went out today for a ride only to find my rear tire flat and the battery DRT!
The old words of George Carlin rushed outta my yap . . . S-P-F-C-CS-MF & T!

With pneumonia ? Awesome recovery.......
I also went out today for a ride only to find my rear tire flat and the battery DRT!
The old words of George Carlin rushed outta my yap . . . S-P-F-C-CS-MF & T!

I feel like $hit, mostly weak, but the sun is a shining and I haven't sit Kong for a loooooooooooooong time!
My 8 year old grandson had a cross-country track event this afternoon just two miles away . . . he woulda got a big kick of me showin' up there in front of all his school mates and competitors on motor!
Never said I was smart - just determined . . .
Well, it comes to an end for me today. Back through these gorgeous mountains to home and reality. Back to work tomorrow Back to firewood for the winter and cutting up the trees Florence blew down. Back to reality. The last night I sat with Jay and Lupe' and we spoke about the good things in life and it was really good to do just that.