RAA Oklahoma edition (fall launch) set date.

In the previous pages are there any maps of highways or rides ? I only ask because I'm ADHD but inquisitive. Does Blake Shelton live close by ? I would come out there if I thought Gwen Stefani was even remotely close
No, Blake Shelton lives at some beach, somewhere
My grandma's name was Nora, and she had sisters named Louella, Loumena, and Elda. I doubt any young girls are getting those names anymore.
Well survived all 3 stress test, still don't know results yet supposed to hear tomorrow. Of course back to work a 12 day tomorrow but off 3 days after that.
Thanks for the prayers, positive vibes and such.

I agree completely with Josey about the work hours, I average way above 300 hours of OT a year (430 last year), some "Voluntary" and some "Voluntold" but I am hourly, 55 yrs old so been trying to put cash in the bank. I have RA pretty bad then the heart issue pops up, personally I think it's a non-issue but then again we buried a 38 yr. old buddy of mine from a massive heart attack last week.
Tomorrow I am telling the "company bosses" the OT is coming to and end for me find someone else to kill slowly, except for some holidays I cant turn down double time and a half gravy like that.
Still need to throw the progressive springs in, new fork seals and change the oil then good to roll.
In the previous pages are there any maps of highways or rides ? I only ask because I'm ADHD but inquisitive. Does Blake Shelton live close by ? I would come out there if I thought Gwen Stefani was even remotely close
Tishomingo, Oklahoma it's about 40 miles south of Ada,Oklahoma. Tishomingo is about 150 miles west of where we will be. So my best guess is you are probably close enough for sniff but no licking at this distance of Gwen Stefani
Well Ain't going to get Thursday off. Kind of figure will show up at the motel Friday afternoon. No big deal. Kind of figured that. The morning of the 21st figure will spend some time getting the X all cleaned up and waxed. Then head out. Might have a beer a two along the way. Got a lot of old friends down that way, Ain't been in them parts for awhile. Hopefully I don't get lost along the way. Either way I'll do my best to be there no later than Saturday morning.
My plans not that anybody cares
Is to leave the house on Thursday morning with a friend and taking the back rds staying off the speedway and hopefully arriving before noon on Friday
Haven't decided yet if I'm gonna ride the victory or the rocket yet

Well of course we care ! Anybody can ride in dry sunny weather, we're Rocket riders ! When you say "I" does that mean the lovely young Miss Wendy won't be joining us ?