More than ready. Bike is running the best it every has. Vacation time approved. Still working on getting Thursday off. Might happen don't know yet. Get Thursday off I'll get the bike cleaned up and head out late afternoon for motel. Might pick up a few riders along the way. Tiny a guy from work who owns a tiger 800 and is new to motorcycles is interested. Got a few folks down around this area that are very much interested. Die Hard Harley riders who are OK but a little rough around the edges. Very colorful folks if you know what i mean. Then there are some folks down around the south side of Dustin Oklahoma who are also considering. Could in up being a interesting run. Some of my old friends. May not be the most socially accepted but dam$ good people to ride with and party with. Oh this is going to be great. Pulled this pack out of the closet and found a few spiders.
Think i got them all not sure. have to double check. Hope Breeze can make it. Really enjoyed his company down in Texas. To bad about steel enjoyed his company to. 40mmrrsmith and your crazy wife who i can not understand when she speaks really looking forward to meeting up again Question is Josey r3 wales showing up? Rocket Scientist and rainman seem interesting. Can't tell really getting excited about this can you Then of course there is always Steve.
Really getting excited and wife is tired of me talking about it.Oh well. Don't get out much and for me this is welcome break from work. Plan on making the best of it all the way around.
More than ready. Bike is running the best it every has. Vacation time approved. Still working on getting Thursday off. Might happen don't know yet. Get Thursday off I'll get the bike cleaned up and head out late afternoon for motel. Might pick up a few riders along the way. Tiny a guy from work who owns a tiger 800 and is new to motorcycles is interested. Got a few folks down around this area that are very much interested. Die Hard Harley riders who are OK but a little rough around the edges. Very colorful folks if you know what i mean. Then there are some folks down around the south side of Dustin Oklahoma who are also considering. Could in up being a interesting run. Some of my old friends. May not be the most socially accepted but dam$ good people to ride with and party with. Oh this is going to be great. Pulled this pack out of the closet and found a few spiders.
Think i got them all not sure. have to double check. Hope Breeze can make it. Really enjoyed his company down in Texas. To bad about steel enjoyed his company to. 40mmrrsmith and your crazy wife who i can not understand when she speaks really looking forward to meeting up again Question is Josey r3 wales showing up? Rocket Scientist and rainman seem interesting. Can't tell really getting excited about this can you Then of course there is always Steve.
Really getting excited and wife is tired of me talking about it.Oh well. Don't get out much and for me this is welcome break from work. Plan on making the best of it all the way around.
Your a give me. Did not think you needed to be mentioned. Yes that fishing spot at the pond still exist. Grand kid pulled old miff out now weighing in at 9 1/2 pounds. Made him release her. Not bad for a large mouth. Flatheads are starting up in the city lake. A couple of friends of mine went up last week and pulled a few nice ones. 40 lbs plus. One got pulled under and had to let go. No idea how big it was but had to be large. His arm required medical attention.