RAA Oklahoma edition (fall launch) set date.

Not sure of what Mike is planning regarding this event, but I reckon to be at the motel Thursday afternoon and can also lend a hand.
Either way I"ll be at the motel. Will be more than happy to help. Ran a few laps on the U.S.S. Plate, U.S.S. Inchon, U.S.S San Jacinto, U.S.S Alerigh Burke and The U.S.S Pensacola. :eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek:

A seagoing Sailor. Haze gray and underway you are. Love it and miss it. USS Midway, Minesweeper Exploit, CG Biddle, Battleship Iowa, the mighty Ike, America, Mount Whitney (2nd Fleet flagship) gunner on a PBR, and a host of DDs TAD. Also Inshore Underwater Warfare. Good times long time past. Great friends and shipmates. Darn but you got me to thinking of old shipmates who've gone.

I'll go back through the thread to determine the dates, motel, etc. Loading the bike is easy because I ride it up. Off loading takes 2-3 to keep from dumping it over on it's side and I hate it when that happens. I figure between all of us we'll get the bike unloaded.
Thursday, September 20th through Sunday, September 23rd.
Love radial engines. One can hear one on an airplane from afar and know it's a radial. The Navy Aviation Museum at NAS Pensacola has quite a few of them on display. Many of the Otters up in Alaska still have radials.
AHHH!! THE SWEET SOUND OF RADIALS i have flown many planes with round engines up to the P&W 2300. 18 cylinders. always loved them ..
RAA Oklahoma edition (fall launch) set date.

There used to be one in southern California. A retired friend of mine, now living in Hawaii, spent a summer there taking parts off of old engines to rebuild good ones. It might have been at a Pratt & Whitney plant but just can't recall.

The Beaver's also have radials.
I hope you do not call the pictured plane a beaver it is a de havilland otter with an uprated PZL polish engine and up rated propeller . very few on the planet and I also believe this one to be based in northwestern ontario in red lake
Went T.A.D. for a month or two on the U.S.S. Iowa. They lost their lead SM. Loved it. (SPOT LESS SHIP) Mount Whitney We took over leading SM was a COOKIE and we lead the drills weekly. Pissed them off. Operations officer loved it. Be more than happy to help out:thumbsup::thumbsup::thumbsup::thumbsup::thumbsup: Ex-SKIVVY WAVER (SMC)
Not sure of what Mike is planning regarding this event, but I reckon to be at the motel Thursday afternoon and can also lend a hand.
Was planning on showing up late afternoon Friday. If your riding through Thursday lets meet up. Figure your riding I-40 to Indian Nations 75 South. Exit is Henryetta. Easy ride from there. :D:D:D:D:D:D Might as well add a extra day. :cool::cool::cool::cool::cool::cool::cool: No sense in letting a bunch of white boys ride in Indian territory with out a escort. :eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::whitstling::whitstling::whitstling::whitstling::whitstling::whitstling::whitstling::whitstling: IMG_0420 (3).JPG :roll::roll::roll::roll::roll::roll::roll::roll::roll:
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Riding from Enid Thursday morn.
So far the only item on my route is the Motorcycle Museum.