RAA Oklahoma edition (fall launch) set date.

#ell the the #hit storms are hitting my way. dark as $ell outside.

Most severe weather I've ever experienced was in Ponca City at a local motel. The rain was so heavy that I couldn't see beyond the parking lot and it was at about a 45-70 degree angle from the wind. I took a video from the doorway. That was some downpour.

I recall one that hit the main Stillwater campus with baseball sized hail. It destroyed or severely damaged vehicles all over the campus. The guy I worked for was the college VP for Research and Technology Transfer. He said a hail ball came through his office window and landed on his secretary's desk. Yikes.
Mike, are you coming to RAA next month?
Would transport the Beemer in the back of my pickup and need a place to leave it along with some mates to help me off load tne bike. I'll have my 3 piece ramps in the back of the pickup.. I'd offload the Beemer by myself but those days are gone forever.