I'm A far cry from perfect. Have had my fair shares off screw ups. Just know a bit after making some mistakes in the past and learned from them. Anytime i can help out a fellow rider i will. Spent the better time this morning helping out a guy from the bay area. Wife says why are you on the computer when all you talk about is working on the boat. Guy needs some help and will walk him through it boat can wait. I do not try to play the dog. Really tired and feeling good. It has been a good day. Guessing since your already verbal trying to one up you will continue. Really don't give a ****.

Sonny, you are a friend. Otherwise I would simply ignore you. Please read your post #254.

You are now making sense and being helpful to those in need of help.:thumbsup: You are not ridiculing them for not knowing.:D
I could be wrong but believe Rick took the bike to a shop. I do not trust shops. Have seen shops say they replaced the races and did not. Have seen them just replace the top bearing and not the bottom one.The comment was not made in regards to Rick.
I could be wrong but believe Rick took the bike to a shop. I do not trust shops. Have seen shops say they replaced the races and did not. Have seen them just replace the top bearing and not the bottom one.The comment was not made in regards to Rick.

I have no option but to trust the local shop for many repairs. I am missing the tools and know-how to take on a lot of procedures. :(
I waited too long because I wasn't sure how I'd be doing. I just got off the phone with the Lodge and all of the first level rooms are reserved. It was fun thinking about it and you all have a great time.
I waited too long because I wasn't sure how I'd be doing. I just got off the phone with the Lodge and all of the first level rooms are reserved. It was fun thinking about it and you all have a great time.

have u checked
u might be able to take the rocket up the stairs.:cool::laugh::laugh:
The new Allballs yoke bearings took adjustment.

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Stock risers. Need to install the Windvest and see how the stock position feels.
I waited too long because I wasn't sure how I'd be doing. I just got off the phone with the Lodge and all of the first level rooms are reserved. It was fun thinking about it and you all have a great time.
Still plan on attending this. It's a long ways off and some will for sure drop out due to unforseen life happenings. Call the lodge again and ask them to put you on a list for when they have a cancellation. Trust me.I know things.:roll: