I'm drunk from working on the boat but will try to help. Yoke bearings when installed correctly do not slip. Did they replace the races?
top view one on bottom also. They have to be replaced as a set due to wear. New bearings new races if not your pissing in the wind. Plus the bearings have to be greased packed the old school way. By hand and palm. I use lucas green grease works rather well and holds up to moisture Most shops unless you are specific will screw you under. Just replace the bearings. The rocket is weak on the steering head bearings . If you do not pay attention and follow the rules you're screwed. There is no need to adjust tighter than how the manual calls out if the job was done right. Yes after a few thousand miles the bearing adjustment should be checked as prescribed in the manual. They do settle in and minor adjustment is required. Break end period. Hope this helps my friend