So, your into the clutch I see @Kevin frazier, I’m not seeing what is wrong, what happened?

I broke a detent spring in WV and now its fixed, see you Thursday

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Not really much to explain Bull I was in a curve had some loose gravel that kicked the bike out and eventually I tried missing the mail box post and the steel sign unfortunately there was not enough room so the sign went flying and stuck in the ground past the driveway. The bike barley made. Across the driveway the gravel slowed it down. I went for a flight like the sign but not as far as the sign. I know my clavicle broken, possibly in more then one break from feeling the bones moving. Hopefully when I get back to Norfolk today I can get it looked at to see if it need a plate or if it is good enough to let heal in place. I'd post pictures but after two days my left side of my chest is all purple and doesn't look to good. Got to get ready to hit the road.

Well Crap!
So sorry to hear that you're injured. I have broken many rib bones and many other bones from crashes, mostly from organized racing. I know your suffering.
Heal well and fast, Amigo.
Sure would like to see yoy at RAA West in Sep..
Bonnie and me just got home at 6:20 yesterday. We took a detour through Kentucky to see my Mom at a distance but she has some fresh baby back ribs. I'm sorry that folks got hurt at this RAA and trashed their very nice bike too. I'm speaking of Wei and Scott of course. I was shickled titless to see Dave there. That was unexpected but oh so welcome from both of us.

EVERYONE, and I mean everyone has my personal thanks for having us there, for making Bonnie comfortable and then some. All the treats and toys will never be forgotten. The hands on by everyone was exceptional and trust me Bonnie loves each and every one of you thugs. Thank you all for the kindness. Now Bonnie has people withdrawal and I'm getting beat up.
Our round trip with smoker in tow was 931 miles. Farthest the smoker has ever been. I doubt that I'll go that far again.

Got home and the title to my PAID OFF bike was in the mailbox. Good times y'all.

A special thanks to Boog and Hazel from our hearts.
Has anyone heard from @scot in exile ?
Hey all. Got home Sunday 5:30PM, 2005 miles door to door. Just want to say how great it was to meet new friends and even unexpectedly an old one (yes you James). Fun group to ride with and even 'funner' around the camp fire.. Y'all ride safe this summer. Best Regards