RAA East 2020 West Virginia

Just talked to Four Seasons Lodge there have been room cancellations for this year. 3 or 4 rooms on the lower floor where the main parking of the bikes will be the fire pit will be the barbecue will be and a canopy will be. So if you are on the higher floors and wish to join the group Please call place to try to get your room changed to the lower floors. There are also the 2 apartments left to rent. They are both on the upper floors. So that you can overlook us peasants down below. We only have 4 weeks left. And he was notified that we will possible be back for next year same week. Depending on how majority of group feels.

Phone # are 1 (304) 846-4605
Fax# 1 (304) 846-2170
Toll free# 1 (800) 829-4605
Email. Info@fourseasonslodgewv.com

Four Seasons Lodge
320 Northfork Cherry Hwy
Route 39/55E
Richwood WV.26261

Make sure tires & breaks work good.
How do we communicate with her? Thanks
Yeah Baby!! Just talked to Jamie (Dude) at Tripps number 800 239 9412 , he said he never had to close. Has been open, will be open. Restaurants are suppose to be open by the 21st of this month. If you want to come early he said no problem, plenty of room.
Planning on arriving Tuesday afternoon 6-9. Hopefully will be able to round up some extra Lysol spray and cleaning supplies by then. Still in short supply around here. Too many dumb arse, panicky city folk hording stuff.