RAA 9 June 2014 Ouray, Colorado Week ?

Which week in June 2014 do you prefer ?

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Now THAT is a video!

So, Lupe . . . ya gonna take it like mano a mano or just fall over and die???

And for you, JIM . . . I may be an old bull; but, I know you could never take all my Rocket and still say Antioch or San Francisco.

Are there any details yet such as time and place?

We were planning to meet up in Ouray, CO. June 23. Spend the week riding then head home the following Friday or weekend.
As for the plans for the week, still undecided.
Some want to ride out using Ouray as a central location. Some want to start at Ouray and keep it moving to new locations.
You people decide.
I can roll either way; however, I believe we could see much more of Colorado if we were to keep it moving day to day.
The only drawback I can anticipate is that if we are a large group the daily logistics of securing rooms may be a *****.
I vote for a central location to ride from depending on how many show. If it's a small group moving around would be fun, but if it is a large group then +1 on what Bull said.
I have laid out three day rides from/to Ouray. They may be a tad long for some as they come in at 300 - 400 miles. Early starts?
My thought (suggestion) is to arrive Sunday, visit and relax on Monday, do the three day rides, visit and relax some more on Friday and then head home Saturday.
Looking at the maps I tend to agree with Bull. Going to be some long rides for many to get there. Might be much easier to establish lodging at one location and not have to pack up each day. Like Bull said there will be some long day rides as it is.
Please consider that some may have to travel 3 days or more to arrive in Ouray.

Good idea on relaxing on Friday. Long rides tend to burn some out.
I have laid out three day rides from/to Ouray. They may be a tad long for some as they come in at 300 - 400 miles. Early starts?
My thought (suggestion) is to arrive Sunday, visit and relax on Monday, do the three day rides, visit and relax some more on Friday and then head home Saturday.

Roughly 1,100 miles for me so we will probably overnight somewhere along the way just so that we don't arrive looking like hammered dog $hit. 300 - 400 miles in a day isn't that bad as long as we get a decently early start. If we follow the "Kickstands up at 10" model we'll be riding in the dark though. One other thing I suggest is that we put together a few other Captains to lead rides so that we don't end up with one large group all trying to do the same ride. Last time in Maggie Valley it was hard to keep a large group together and on track to complete the ride by dark. Last thing we want to do is lose somebody. I have never been in the area before, but as long as I have a map I'd be happy to help lead or ride drag.