RAA 9 June 2014 Ouray, Colorado Week ?

Which week in June 2014 do you prefer ?

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Is this the place ? Do we ask for the RAA rate ? I thought I read about their room rates but I can't seem to find the posting now.
Days Inn Montrose
1417 E Main St, Montrose, CO 81401 US

Maps & Directions

Check in:
After 4:00 PM
Check out:
Before 11:00 AM
TripAdvisor Rating
Based On 177 reviews
Phone Numbers

  • Phone: 1-970-249-4507
That's the place my brother. Looking forward to meeting you!:thumbsup:
This all sounds like a plan. We might take Fred up on his offer. I would love to meet up with Tripps and ride with him again. Where will we pick you up Scott? Leaving Michigan on Friday morning?
I will have to look and see where Fred is so I can figure how long it will take you but I can meet you just about anywahere on I80. Rock Island is northwest of me but I can swing up I 39 or even I 55 let me look and see where Fred is.
I would be all about it ! Due to time constraints I will be trailering down. :oops: If Paul and his guest need a place to rest and wash the road dirt off, they are more than welcome to stay here. :p

Well, at least I won't be the only one with a trailer. I wuz getting worried!!

Forgive my interjection but one of the things that made the recent Tassie ride such a success was that we had a van that travelled with us. Before we even left the mainland all the gear we didn't need with us was locked up in the van. That meant no loading the bikes up for the rides and we stayed somewhere different each night. Sharing the cost amounted to about $20 each. Of course you need a driver (and good maps/directions). Plus, when one of the bikes took a tumble we loaded it up and kept moving. Just a thought.

Wish I could join that interesting sounding little group - you know who you are. ;)
Nothing wrong with a trailer Bob we just taking our time so riding the bikes does not take its toll. After all getting there is half the fun.
Paul, it looks like if you left spring lake Mi a 8 hour ride nonstop would put you in Des Moines so it really depends on how much you and your girl wants to ride in one day. It also depends on whether you ride straight south and meet up with Tripps. I can meet you guys anywhere on I80 in illinois I am stroght south of I80 where it intersects with Peru. But Where I 39 is good as well as where I55 intersects in Joliet. Not to mention where I74 intersect just before Rock Island Either way I am about two hours or so south of I80. I think we first need to figure out what route your going to take either west to Mi or south to meet up with Tripps.
Could we combine all of the RAA9 threads into one now, as most of the details seem to have been worked out. I'm assuming that June 23rd-27th is the week and we are staying at the Days Inn, Montrose as a central location for the rides. If this is so I will be reserving a room.

That is correct unless Mex changes it again.
Forgive my interjection but one of the things that made the recent Tassie ride such a success was that we had a van that travelled with us. Before we even left the mainland all the gear we didn't need with us was locked up in the van. That meant no loading the bikes up for the rides and we stayed somewhere different each night. Sharing the cost amounted to about $20 each. Of course you need a driver (and good maps/directions). Plus, when one of the bikes took a tumble we loaded it up and kept moving. Just a thought.

Wish I could join that interesting sounding little group - you know who you are. ;)

Just fly over and someone will loan you a bike.
I will probably leave Friday morning. I am going to pop over to Colorado Springs for a couple of days to visit relatives and friends.
