Hey boys,
Most be arriving Sunday and we had thought Monday be a R&R, meet N' greet, hang out day and start the first day ride on Tuesday.
I would like not to miss hanging with y'all on Monday. Some of us are fixin' on doing Pikes and Evans over Friday - Saturday or Saturday - Sunday.
If you'd consider doing thus on the way back we could all hook up for some rape & pillage.
BTW - R3Tex,
We still considering a BBQ for Monday?
That would be kick-ass!
Believe it or not I talked to my buddy the BBQ chef the other day and he may cowboy up and make the trip!! Worst case I'm sure we can burn some burgers or something. I may have to rent the RV space next door for Rocket parking tho
Believe it or not I talked to my buddy the BBQ chef the other day and he may cowboy up and make the trip!! Worst case I'm sure we can burn some burgers or something. I may have to rent the RV space next door for Rocket parking tho
The plan is to arrive some time Sunday. Probably shop once we get there except for a few key ingredients. Help with cost is appreciated, but not necessary. We will see who all will be there, buy what we need, and pass the hat when it's over to cover cost.
The plan is to arrive some time Sunday. Probably shop once we get there except for a few key ingredients. Help with cost is appreciated, but not necessary. We will see who all will be there, buy what we need, and pass the hat when it's over to cover cost.
Since I intend on barging into Vernal to grab you, I assume you will be with us when we arrive Montrose. We can start the SOIREE all together!
Since I intend on barging into Vernal to grab you, I assume you will be with us when we arrive Montrose. We can start the SOIREE all together!
No idea...but all the women are riding with me . As far as I know it's me...you...maybe Nolton...maybe a few non R3 guys...don't know yet. Clayton is 10 hours from my house.
You guys figure it out and let me know, i will meet in Clayton Enid or anywhere, it would be great if the Texas, Lousiana Arkansas Oklahoma guys showed up all in one bunch scaring the chit out of everybody
If Tulsa is a good meeting place i can arrange to have a big bowl of menudo for every one!!