RAA 9 June 2014 Colorado head count

Are you hosting the Saturday night BBQ at your place then? :D

Right on, TO!
Tex, don't forget to bring about 25 - 30 folding chairs in that toy hauler!
I'll buy the Gentleman Jack and some good cigars!
All world problems shall be solved!!!
PS: BBQ should be Monday night for meet & greet. Many folks will be heading home Saturday.
64 Herald,Kooler / 2/ 2/ NY,VA /the week +
Rocket Scientist / 2 / 1 / Michigan / 5
Lonzol / 2 / 2 / Arkansas / 5
Rolltide100. / 1 / 1 / Utah / 6
TO Rocket/2/1/Ontario CDA/ 5
Smokit2 /2 /2 /Wyoming /5
Speedy / 2 / 1 / Wisconsin / 5
Nolton 2/1/Louisiana/ 6
Tripps 2/2/NY/6
Grizzdan 1/1/Washington/5
1olbull / 5 / 4 / WA & OK / 6
Mexican/ 3 / 2 / Oklahoma / 5
BREEZE / 3 / 2 / NEW MEXICO / 7
rainman / 2 / 2 / TN / 5
The Boss aka Oscar/ 2 / 2 / Tasmania / 5
Steel / 1 / 1 / Louisiana / 5
RKTNMYPKT / 1 / 1 / California / 6
Albertaduke / 1 / 1 / Calgary / ?
Skydog/4 or 6/1/Oklahoma/5
R3Tex / 2 - 4/2/Texas/7

We decided to bring the Toyhauler so we booked into the KOA around the corner from the hotel
Thanks for the list. Ride Captain Ride. So is riding a hobby, habit, or addiction? :thumbsdown::thumbsdown::thumbsdown:

Father was an Indian Dealer in Tacoma. He built my first bike at 4 years (see avatar).
Raced until 35 years - rode motor for TPD - riding in search of the almighty twistie to current.
Only been off sport bikes and on cruisers since 2004.
To me riding is LIFE - everything in between is WAITING.

Avatar is all-some, great pic, long racing career, :thumbsup: grandfather city PD, uncle. . State PD, x brother in law city PD and three neighbor friends, in law inforce. You would think I would know better then do the things I do. o_O Understand everything in between...is WAITING. I've been totally waiting on different passions during my life: basketball, travel (hitched hiked across USA from Ill. St. summers of my junior a senior high school year) then joined USN to see the world, boating, fishing, camping, running, bike cycling, scuba diving, computers, reading, Christianity, etc. Have an addictive behavior. Did not ride for 33 years. Would give all but faith and Scuba diving for a life time of motor cycling. Thought about including second and current wife of 33 years, but had I had a motor cycle would have hit the road and missed out on her. :p:whitstling::whitstling:
I don't habla your last post.

Was in answer to..."Are you hosting the Saturday night BBQ at your place then? :D

Thinking of you and any of your group that may come through Tri Cities on way to Col. We can chat about it if interested.
The other RAA's have had a cookout with donations. Then there was catering for evenings. Those were payed ahead of time with a list of those that expected to eat. R3Tex came out of his pocket on the fall RAA 8 in Texas. I dont recommend we do that again. Its not fair. Those RAA's were only 3 official days. This is one week. If we want to save money, someone should consider bringing cooking equipment for several evening meals.
Most of the food should be bought locally. If someone wants to attend and they do not ride then they can cool.
I have no problem hosting a BBQ for 30 or 40 of my closest friends!! RAA Texas was sort of a unique deal in that I was closer than anyone else so I trailered with coolers, gear, etc and talked a buddy of mine who was is a competitive BBQ chef to cook for us. We passed the hat to cover groceries at the end. It worked out well with the small group we had. A large group would be a challenge to feed unless I can talk Randy into dragging his pit to Colorado. It is about to be rodeo season here so he will be pretty hooked up with cookoffs and what not over the next few months, but he had a blast with all of us last time so one never knows...he might just latch onto the pit and hit the road...