RAA 9 June 2014 Colorado head count

I'll pack my Frogg Toggs :)

Montrose, CO
Ave Temp 51 - 83
Ave Rain .55 inch
There is less rain in June than in either July or August.
Only the months of January and February have less rain.
OK - now I be even MORE stoked!!!

After all that I now realize you were commenting on the ubiquitous Rainman.
Best Regards,
Your Mother
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Handle / #in party / #of motorcycles / State of origin / approx days staying
Rocket Scientist / 2 / 1 / Michigan / 5
Lonzol / 2 / 2 / Arkansas / 5
Rolltide100. / 1 / 1 / Utah / 6
TO Rocket/2/1/Ontario CDA/ 5
Smokit2 /2 /2 /Wyoming /5
Speedy / 2 / 1 / Wisconsin / 5
Nolton 2/1/Louisiana/ 6
Tripps 2/2/NY/6
Grizzdan 1/1/Washington/5
1olbull / 5 / 4 / WA & OK / 6
Mexican/ 3 / 2 / Oklahoma / 5
BREEZE / 3 / 2 / NEW MEXICO / 7
rainman / 2 / 2 / TN / 5
The Boss aka Oscar/ 2 / 2 / Tasmania / 5
Steel / 1 / 1 / Louisiana / 5
RKTNMYPKT / 1 / 1 / California / 6
Albertaduke / 1 / 1 / Calgary / ?
Skydog/4 or 6/1/Oklahoma/5

Only 4 rooms left if you are coming make your reservation