RAA 8 Attendance list


What time will you be in the area at falls lake..

When you have a few min. to spare...I'll shoot over and show you the way here and give you a key to the moble home....then you can come and go as you please.

Looks like a 80% chance of rain friday:mad:

Oh If you call the house phone....call out my name when the answer mach. picks up.....

:eek:....I am ducking....bill collectors, final expences,and the others that call 20 + times a day.

PS....when ever you get here before it starts...I can get you settled in...then you will not have to find time during your event.......OK
Hi Skip i would like one too :D
one problem i can't get there as its a long way to come for 3 days (maybe next year)
Haven't heard from Mully...We had a bad storm to blow through about an hour ago..

Just glad he decided to take the truck...up here.

I got the trailer set up and ready for him...AC...is on...hot water is on...and coffe pot is ready

Hope he is safe.
Sure hope all our captains came through unscathed.
here's the original drawing the patch guys are going off of.

here's their first attempt.

Here's the revised proof.

personally, I think the Triumph card looks to small now,
but I like the rest of it.
Well, maybe a few black lines or dots on the cork too.
What do you guys think.
Sure hope all our captains came through unscathed.
here's the original drawing the patch guys are going off of.

here's their first attempt.

Here's the revised proof.

personally, I think the Triumph card looks to small now,
but I like the rest of it.
Well, maybe a few black lines or dots on the cork too.
What do you guys think.

I love the mountains. :D