Living Legend
Hey...Mr Warp
Please bring me a few of those nice pills you got that makes you spell like that...
As bad as my leg and hip hurts......My thoughtful so worried that a 66 yr ol going to turn into a drug addict.
If I can beg 10....5mg perk out of him for a month....I am lucky
I am so looking foward to meeting you at MV...and everyone else also..
I will be the ol guy with a cardboard sign......On the side of the road with My name on it saying....HELP...The Poor....I am Homeless this weekend
Addiction is one thing but what that stuff does to your liver is another. Lora tab is the worst from what I've been told and it doesn't take much of it either. My friend knows a older fellow who went to the doctor and the doc asked him "How much you drink a day?" The guy responded "I don't drink." The doctor said "Sir you need to tell me the truth because this is a serious situation you're in.... you have cirrhosis of liver!" Well it turns out he has back problems and was taking all kinds of pain medications.
Hey Joey.... I might not ride the motorcycle to Falls Lake after all. They are calling for a potential for severe thunderstorms Friday. I might as well drive my truck and call it safe than sorry. I supposed to sleep in a hammock that night between two trees so the truck sounds a tad bit safer far as lightning is concerned. But who knows... they might change the forecast between now and then.
10 Day Weather Forecast for Falls Lake -