R3T Tires: Avon Cobras or Excedras.

What do you run: Avon Cobras or Michelin Exedras

  • Avon Cobras

    Votes: 18 48.6%
  • Michelin Exedras

    Votes: 8 21.6%
  • Other

    Votes: 11 29.7%

  • Total voters
I got 12,000 miles out of the Metzlers and probably could have pushed it a little bit more...the problem in my area you can't find a qualified Triumph dealer that will replace and install both tires for under $800.00.
I got 12,000 miles out of the Metzlers and probably could have pushed it a little bit more...the problem in my area you can't find a qualified Triumph dealer that will replace and install both tires for under $800.00.
THERE you go 12,000 miles thats good I get about 10,000 and but I ride with sport bikes at a fast pace
I'd try the AVON COBRA on my front a couple of years ago, no problem in dry, but rainy season, uh oh... my started to float, and no the water wasn't that deep just normal shower... slowed down 30km of limit when it rained..!! to scarey on front, for me, but then again i do run darkside on back..? lol
You guys with 10,000 and 12,000 on Standards and Roadsters, 706 pound bikes versus 876 pound Touring will get better tire life. One hundred-seventy more and a longer wheelbase plus peak torque at a lower R.P.M. just could affect tire life even more. Just sayin'!
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I'm interested in everyone's input. It's time for new tires. I got about 14,000KM on my stock Metzlers.

I was thinking about going to the Avon Cobras or Michelin Exedras.

I have a 2014 Triumph Rocket III Touring with the ECU unlocked, RamAir and TORS so a chunk more than stock power.

Thoughts please?

I know it's been beaten to near death in the past, but I want to ensure there isn't any fresh opinions.
Wish I could get close to that with Metzler. I'm lucky to get 4k miles. I had exedra on the classic and they are holding nice. I'm trying Night dragons on the tourer now
I got 12,000 miles out of the Metzlers and probably could have pushed it a little bit more...the problem in my area you can't find a qualified Triumph dealer that will replace and install both tires for under $800.00.

Bro..."qualified Triumph dealer" is an oxymoron.

You Cape Code and Hamptons dwellers are going to get hammered....

Can you not ride to a less affluent area and get them changed?

I paid 155 for my Rear Exedra Max and 170 for my Front Michelin Commander II so that was 325 for the tires...Not sure how much I got shanked for it as I paid for a bunch of other work that never got done right....

BTW....Anyone know how many labor hours to remove and replace a set of tires?

Just curious....I know the rear is a mofo.

I got less than 6000 miles on the stock Metz. on mine and they were bald. Switched to Exedra Max and I got 7500 on the rear. Just changed out a Michelin Commander II after 19400 miles. Not sure what they do to these tires to make them last but they are all I will run from now on. I ride in eastern Ohio and WVa. Lots of twistys and the Michelin tires grip good. I run a 180/65/16 on the rear.
You guys with 10,000 and 12,000 on Standards and Roadsters, 706 pound bikes versus 876 pound Touring will get better tire life. One hundred-seventy more and a longer wheelbase plus peak torque at a lower R.P.M. just could affect tire life even more. Just sayin'!

I didn't know that the roadster was 170lb lighter than the touring, shoot they must be made of balsa wood:cautious: