Ladies and gents,
I have had more than a few calls about Touring model performance. This should help out more than a few of you.
The Touring models are the same except for the exhaust and ECU calibration. BOTH are very restricted.The ECU controls the secondary throttles and actually closes them at higher rpm and higher gears. In the exhaust, the header is the same, but the box after the header is very restrictive. Slip-ons (TORS and D&D) really don't do much except for sound.
Neither do air filters under the seat. Triple K&N RU-2780 filters make a bit more from 4000-5500 rpm, but have the same peak power output as the stock air filter. The stock intake plenum and ducting actually makes more torque under 3000 rpm than triple RU-2780 filters under the bearclaw. It is not until you go to a full exhaust system that the RU-2780 filters make a difference.
A stock R3T or one with a slip-on exhaust tends to make ~86 hp on my dyno (~ 13% lower than a Dynojet), and 130-131 ft-lb of torque. Simply re-calibrating the ECU (mapping) tends to result in 115-117 hp, and 140-142 ft-lb of torque. A very nice improvement.
Attached is a "tune" for stock and slip-on exhaust R3T models, as well as a graph of output differences. Dashed lines are torque. Red is an R3T with TORS and stock air filter. Yellow is after tuning. This resulted in 43+ mpg cruising at 70 mph on 87 octane fuel. Speedo corrected for stock tire. Speed limiter raised. Ignition timing improved in lower gears. ENJOY!
You can also find this map on Tom Hamburg's TuneECU.com site under the custom Triumph tunes section.
Power-Tripp, ( or any willing R3 owners )? I have a 2013 Tourer. I have several "quick" questions. Pardon the pun, but I need a crash course. By reading so much, I've discovered how little I know. Please help? I read an Internet ad for a Dyno-Boost Performance Chip manufactured by a company named Magnum. I think it's an ECU. Doesn't my 2013 R3T already have an ECU? Is this ad for a replacement, or an add-on? If I have an ECU already, is my stock ECU adequate, or would I benefit from this Magnum chip? They claim 15% horsepower gains, along with 6% better fuel economy. Here's the product link: Triumph Rocket III Touring MAGNUM Dyno-Boost Motorcycle Performance Chip
Now, let me ask, does my 2013 R3T have an oxygen sensor? Which exhaust pipes are better? The D&D's, or the TORS? Should my cat box be removed, or leave it on, and just switch the mufflers to slip-ons? Would it be beneficial to remove the cat box, and install a cat box bypass pipe in its place, leading back toward the mufflers? Final question. Can a RamAir conversion be done, without having to dismantle the air box? I don't think the weight of the air box is burdensome. I don't care if the air box stays, ( if I'm the one doing the work ). I would still get the RamAir benefits, whether I leave the air box in, or not. Right? In the end, I realize I'll have to tackle tuning, but for now, I first need a quick fill-me-in on many of "the basics". Thanks all. I have a lot to learn.... Russell