R3R - stalling issue?

Yes, that does suck

Thanks, Jim. I hope your new R3 is trouble free. I'll be posting all and any info regarding what the issue is and what the techs do to fix it.

Curious to know how many miles the dealership test drove when they performed the PDI (Pre-delivery Inspection)
Good question. I was in the office signing the few papers and I could hear it idling in the service shop. I came out apprx 10 minutes later and the tech was just coming back. The dealership rang me this morning and told me they'd be coming over tomorrow morning to pick it up. (48 mile trip to my house) They believe it's either a sensor or some relay came loose. Same thing happened to my buddy's new Thunderbird about a month ago. Turned out to be a loose relay. (Different Dealership) His bike would stall, then it became difficult to turn over and eventually it just wouldn't start.

So, I'm hoping to have it back early Wednesday, or even later in the day Tuesday. Will definitely post the outcome. Hopefully my problem can help someone on here having similar issues. Up to this point, the seller has treated me very well. No complaints.

Glad you we able to get a response so quickly....

Must just be California that all of the Triumph dealers are closed on Mondays?
I would also like to know of any fix. Mine has done it numerous times and is not heat related. Dealer has not found the problem but it has always fired right up after stalling.
Is this mostly 2013 Roadsters with the new map that has open secondaries? Just wondered if that has anything to do with it.
So... for what its worth here is the feedback I got from my dealer today via Email, on my inquiry into the stalling issue. :rolleyes:

Stalling issue: We had exactly one bike exhibit this trait a year or so ago.
Every other Rocket has been fine. According to Daniel (Master Technician)
Triumph had a recall or service bulletin to fix this. His words were
"Triumph has this fixed. I'd be surprised if a 2014 still has any issue.".
I already know what you are thinking..... The guy on the forum bought his 2
weeks ago. Bottom line for us is that we only have seen one bike with this
condition. It has not been a widespread issue for us.
Glad to see it was limited to only one bike. There's always a few that are going to have some issue.

Mine was picked up today at 10 am. Fella told me it was actually his day off and that my bike would be looked at Wednesday morning. He seemed very confident that it was something minor.
phoned the dealership this morning. They told me the crank position sensor is the suspect. I'll know more when I get it back which should be tomorrow, and will post.
happens on 2012 r3r, too

my new r3r does this on occasion, too... doesn't matter hot or cold, it seems to happen when i pull in teh clutch and chop the throttle in 3rd gear... not every time, but has happened a couple times...

it seems to be that it just drops the rpm a touch too far - it always tends to drop down under the idle speed before coming up to idle when i chop the throttle with clutch in... idles fine around 750rpm...

and by the way: don't dump the clutch in first at <5mph to try to restart the thing... use the button...