R3R - stalling issue?

It happened to me as described above two times during the first 700 miles.

After the first service, and re-installing the stock tune (dealer had attempted to load the newer tune w/o the restriction in the 1-3 gears, but it wouldn't load)); it's never happened again.

I'm a bit over 2000 miles on the Rocket now.

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Allow me to offer up my 1/2 cents worth. At approx. 25,000 miles miles my 2005 R3 standard started stalling. Usually when getting off the highway and coming to a stop. Initially, it would would just idle real slow and rough (500 rpm's) and then recover. As time went on it would actually stall. Here is what I did to fix it (has been good since, has over 50,000 miles now). On the left side of the throttle body assembly there is a mechanical stop screw. It's typically painted yellow to indicate tampering. There is linkage between the mechanical stop and the throttle butterflies. When you are running "on throttle" the ecu cuts the idle stepper voltage to zero because it thinks the engine is "idling" to fast. My linkage had worn to the point that it was allowing the throttle butterflies to close completely. When I would come to a stop, the engine would starve for air until the idle stepper got the butterflies opened up again. I believe the engine should have a "base idle speed" of maybe 650 rpm's with no intervention from the idle stepper. I turned in the mechanical stop screw until I could get off the throttle without it bucking and stalling. Now you might ask "why would my brand new bike have worn throttle linkage" ? I'm sure it doesn't. What could be happening though is the "base idle speed" could be set to low from the factory. Maybe trying to meet some emission standard or something. As the engine breaks in and loosens up a bit the problem sometimes takes care of itself. Other times not. I would say if you have more than 10,000 miles and it's still stalling, and the dealer is still scratching his arse, I would give the throttle screw a try.
I'll have to remember that Rocket Scientist as I had over 10k one the other and it still did it about eveytime I road it more than 100 miles dealer could not find it and it did it for them once
Well, here's one I discovered by accident. Was pulling to a stop at a red light, the other day, and the engine quit, then came back to life. My pants cuff had caught the tip of the kick stand, and pulled it down just enough to trigger the cut off switch. Once the cuff cleared the stand, it sprung back in place, and allowed the engine to run again.
Happened twice to me and I suspected the kick stand switch... Now I pay more attention...
P You should have put away your flares at the end of the 70's. I tend to wear boot leg jeans now since we put the platform shoes away.
My 2013 is doing the stalling as well...Ive only got 60 miles on mine, but it does it very frequently. VERY FREQUENTLY! Ill call the dealer tomorrow and see what they have to say.