:roll:Okay My dealer gives me a call a couple of hours ago while I'm at work. It goes to voicemail because Im in a meeting. As soon as I got out of the meeting I opened up my voicemail and the dealer left me a message that they just recieved a 2013 R3R and its on the floor. Well I droped everything and left work. This was my first encounter with a R3R in person and all I can say is man what a machine!! I touched it, poked it and even got to sit on it...for a while. Even though I only sat on it for about 5 min or so, it was a day in the mountains in my mind. Everyone I have encountered talks about the perma grin they get when they ride the R3, well I did not even have to leave the showroom floor for that to happen. Very Very happy to be joining the group of R3R owners!
Thanks to all for your input and advice, I deffinatly picked the right ride.:cool:

I bought my Rocket 3 Roadster just a couple of months ago without having even sat on one. My philosophy was simple - at the age of 65 this is only going to get more difficult so get on with it which is what I did. It's a marvellous machine and I am delighted.

I'm 66. I currently have an FJR1300. I am going to look at a 2010 Roadster (8,000 miles) tomorrow. Are there any "issues" I need to be aware of on that bike?
Go for it.. :) I actually went kind of bike shopping this weekend since my Rocket has 75K+ miles on it, but nothing else really gets me going. I put a few hundred miles on this weekend, and rode to work this morning.. :) You won't have the wind protection that the FJR gives.. but that's about it. You'll have at least 3 times the torque of the FJR, so hang on!..
That is a good deal. ... My R3R will be priced similarly when I get my standard out of the shop.