I bought my '05 last year without ever riding one. Drove from KC to OKC to pick it up, took it up on the hwy once, and I very much enjoyed/enjoy it. This is coming from a guy who's owned a Valkyrie and Boss Hoss for the last 13-15 years. Not much to upgrade from with those to bikes sitting together.
Ridden a buddies V-Rod Muscle a lot, Warriors... never a Victory, but from the sound of specs, doesn't seem much different than the Yamaha's as far as performance.
From one fellow service man to another, you'd be hard pressed to find such a nice all-around bike with brute trq and hp. Only cruiser I know to really hold with it is my Boss Hoss, which will blow it out of the water, but what ya lose in straight line performance, you'll gain with cornering fun on the Triumph when you compare those two.
Thx for serving brother.