Hello everyone, I have a little dilemma I'm hoping for a little insight. I have been reading reviews, watching you tube videos and talking to as many people I can find to seek their opinions on the R3 roadster. I went down to our local Triumph dealership today to pull the trigger on ordering an R3 but I have never test drove the bike. I'm in the military and over the last couple of years when they had demo nights I was always away, go figure, just my luck. The only bike I was able to even sit on was the R3 touring, 2012, not quite the same as the roadster. Anyway once I got in the saddle, I felt right at home.
I have rode the M109R, Yamaha Raider, Victory Hammer and the HD VRod, all nice bikes but I keep coming back to the R3. I've even considered the 2013 Triumph Thunderbird Storm, beautiful bike, when I was in the showroom sitting in the saddle I found myself peeking over my shoulder to look at the R3, I only wish they had the roadster on the floor, if they did I probably would have signed the papers and this post would probably read quit a bit different. Unfortunately all the 2013 bikes have been ordered and sold so once again I won't get a chance to test drive. Not having much luck and all that said I love this bike.
The dealer did give me the option to order a 2014 now so that I could have it for next spring. This would allow me to pay on the bike for a little over a year interest free and take advantage of any incentives that pop up. It is hard to sign the papers when I have not had the pleasure of a test drive or even see the roadster in person. I'm 95% sold on this bike, and was wondering if anyone else purchased their R3 without a test drive and if so, are you happy with your decision. Thanks