R3 Brake Replacement


Standard Bore
Jun 22, 2011
St Cloud, MN
I recently bought a 2007 R3 with 4000 miles on it. The last of owner must have been a urban rider, becasue the brakes are almost worn out already.

Anyone have any suggestions on replacement brake pads? I think I want organic so it doesnt chew up the rotor. I looked at EBC's organic, and Galfer's Green Kevlar pads. Or is there another brand i should be looking at? I dont want to replace the rotors now.

Wow, 4000 miles and the brakes are gone!?!

I'm at just over 20k and still on the original pads. I do have a couple of sets of EBC pads sitting on the shelf that I picked up from a local dealer that was going out of business. Seemed that was what they replaced the stock pads with.
A '07 with only 4000 miles on it?
Sounds like the previous owner didn't ride it much at all.
To answer your question, a sponsor on site,
a mister flipmeister has the best selection on brake pads, and the best prices too.
Flipmeisters Specialty Products is his website.
He has a lot of quality parts you might like,
I have his bag liners, clamps, leather treatment, filters, quite a bunch of his stuff.
All his products are top notch and priced better than anywhere else.
Oh yea, I've bought my last two or three sets of pads from him too.

Oh yea, welcome to the site..
From Oklahoma.
Ya beat me to it
Front or rear brakes? I boiled my rear brakes at Magie Valley. I thought the rear pads were gone. Skip and I looked at them, and the pads were fine. Deanna and some dude told me to stop using the rears so much. It has been different, trying to use the fronts more. Just a little FYI.
Yea, welcome to the sight. We got some killer belt buckles and a ring that is going to be BAD ASSK! (we try not cuss)
Flip's pads

I went to Flip's websites, looks like the only brake pads he has are EBC-HH Sintered. Has anyone used these? I'm wondering how hard they are on the brake rotors, thats why I am leaning more towards softer Organic pads. Does anyone have experiances with replacement pads?

Thanks for all your replies. Side note, I started a new post in 'The Final Drive' about the last owner...
love em wouldn't use anything else
sorry nearly forgot .. no they are not hard on rotors quite the opposite the pads will wear quicker than some but give the best fade free braking out there if you want sensitivity and power in your brakes they are for you as I said they are not as hard as alot of others, the only warning I give you is brake gently till you get used to the power of them
I went to Flip's websites, looks like the only brake pads he has are EBC-HH Sintered. Has anyone used these? ...

They are the best and I think more widely used than any other in our community.
They make a hissing noise when being used,not overly loud though.
Im not sure about wear,Im on my 1st set,but Ill accept bit of extra wear in return for better braking capabilities.