Quick Shifter Installed R3 GT

You can still use clutch if you want, you just don't have too. I can't recommend the easy shift enough, it is awesome. Biggest problem is jumping on another bike that does not have it, after you have gotten used to it!
You can still use clutch if you want, you just don't have too. I can't recommend the easy shift enough, it is awesome. Biggest problem is jumping on another bike that does not have it, after you have gotten used to it!
Hi smordue1
I also have the shifter and I find it awesome when it works. But it only works when riding at high engine revs and so doesn't work at all when riding round town. I find it almost never works in gears 1,2 and 3 unless I'm shifting down using engine braking from highish speeds.
My dealer says there is nothing wrong with mine and it's a "shift assist" for use at highway speeds and I must use the clutch when slow riding or I could damage the engine. Do you have the same experience?
I do not. The only time I use clutch is takeoff. Upshift/downshifts at any speed. I also use engine braking, tapping each gear progressively ending in first with no issues.

There was bit of programming required during setup to "Adjust Shift Force sensor shift pattern", maybe they did not do that correctly? Or as some other posters have mentioned, make sure it is tuned on . BTW, I was able to upshift without clutch before I had this installed, with a slight backing off throttle.
My dealer says there is nothing wrong with mine and it's a "shift assist" for use at highway speeds .....
Bulldust! They've stuffed up the install. Make 'em fix it.

Should only need the clutch at stop/start.
Anyone know the gear ratios on the new Rocket?
They're in the back of the handbook, P.168.

Oh. You haven't got one. Hang on a tick...

My new BMW is my only experience with a quick shifter. It doesn’t shift smoothly from 1st to 2nd below 4000 rpm. More like 6k rpm, which is near where the peak torque is. Maybe the difference with the Rocket is that the jump between 1st and 2nd is 30% while for the Rocket, it is 23%. Also, the Rocket’s peak torque is at 4000 rpm.
Looks like there are 2 schools : for or against the shifter. Over here on a multibrands forum, the majority is in favor and is actually surprised that I did not order my R3 with a shifter !
I am curious to know what the dealer mechanic will tell me (more ? less ? or similar risks of problems with a shifter).

And I am not sure whether installing the shifter would change the gear selector position or not. This may be a disadvantage for me as the standard position on my R fits perfectly.
Ref. : ". The TSA kit cannot be used with the original gear pedal" from :

Would need to test a R3 with a shifter to definitively make up my mind...
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Bulldust! They've stuffed up the install. Make 'em fix it.

Should only need the clutch at stop/start.
Thanks for the replies guys, that's what I expected. I bought the Rocket because my T-Bird (which I still love) has a very strong clutch which my arthritic hands can't cope with for long. You can imagine my disappointment when my dealer told me the shifter won't work round town!
I have looked for information from Triumph online but can't find anything, so I'm going to contact Triumph tech direct and see what they say. In the meantime if any of you have specific info on the shifter which proves my dealer is wrong I would really appreciate it. My dealer is one of those who say everything is rider error until he is proved wrong, the rear brake failure was rider error when it first occurred to a friends GT!!! I don't have access to another dealer at the moment, even my current dealer is a ferry ride away!
Information? Look at P.96 of the Owners' Handbook. And tell the dealer to do the same.

It's quite clear.

If that's too complicated for him, tell him to read the Workshop Manual.

He's full of it...............