Chrome them mate. Would get change out of $150 I reckon.
Don't think introducing another metal finish would seem right. IMO
Sorry Mitzy don't think it really fits in.
I have a little bit of stainless on mine already - intake and exhaust - so I'll be leaving these brackets stainless. With a good enough polish it's not easy to tell the difference anyway.
As said previously said I have two different grade buff and polishing wheels on a bench grinder with appropriate compounds to do the job at your disposal if you want to come down and use them Richard, I also have some Stainless Steel on my bike and once Buffed an Polished you can hardly tell the difference next to the chrome
1. Bugger off.
2. That was April 2012. I still had TORs (chrome) and triples (with a sizable amount of chrome bear claw).
3. I now have SS intake and SS exhaust.
4. In any case, I reserve the right to change my mind on anything, any time, in the interests of making whatever point I'm making at the time.
6. Bugger off.