Quick Release Sissy Bar for the Roadster

Chrome them mate. Would get change out of $150 I reckon.
Don't think introducing another metal finish would seem right. IMO
Sorry Mitzy don't think it really fits in.
I have a little bit of stainless on mine already - intake and exhaust - so I'll be leaving these brackets stainless. With a good enough polish it's not easy to tell the difference anyway.
As said previously said I have two different grade buff and polishing wheels on a bench grinder with appropriate compounds to do the job at your disposal if you want to come down and use them Richard, I also have some Stainless Steel on my bike and once Buffed an Polished you can hardly tell the difference next to the chrome
Here is mine unpolished
Someone has stored a heap of files in your shed.
That's brilliant! I'll take a set too but happy to wait for the chrome finish. ;)

1. Bugger off.
2. That was April 2012. I still had TORs (chrome) and triples (with a sizable amount of chrome bear claw).
3. I now have SS intake and SS exhaust.
4. In any case, I reserve the right to change my mind on anything, any time, in the interests of making whatever point I'm making at the time. ;)
5. :p
6. Bugger off.
Surely be better to polish being 316 stainless steel. If it scratches you can buff it out. Cost $80 - $100 for the pair.
I got a quote for about $150 for the pair. I'll try get it down a bit more for polishing.

That's if I ever get my brackets in! Still no movement since the 14th. Bah!