
I'm in California USA, and I was crazy enough to read the Owner's Handbook. And it says...
To stop the engine:
▼ Close the throttle completely.
▼ Select neutral.
▼ Place the engine stop switch in the
STOP position.
Turn the master ignition switch to
the OFF position (if equipped).
▼ Select first gear.
▼ Support the motorcycle on a firm,
level surface with the side stand.
▼ Lock the steering.

The Owner's Handbook shows that the "master ignition switch" is the round dial/switch on the left side of the bike.
I usually I turn the "master ignition switch" to off at the end of the day when I'm done riding, and it has never had an ill effect.
Your mileage may vary.
Yeah I know it doesn't say it in the manual but I've talked to more than one mechanic and they said that every time you shut that off it does all the tuning that the bike does Automatically as you ride and it could run like c*** for a while after
The switch, which is only used in some markets is a failsafe. If you kill the master switch on the side of the bike the engine will have to remap its self when restarted. Avoid this if possible. Only use the kill switch if the bike is on fire!
All is does is disable the key fob and prevent theft. But yes, turn it off only when the bike is shut down.
They all tell me to leave it on and act like it isn't even there
Half these so called mechanics can not even assemble a crated bike without messing up. I went over my R3GT when I got it home like I do all my new rides. Many things were not correct. That master switch has no negative effect if the bike is turned off first.
So exactly what is the downside to leaving it alone like they tell me to?
So exactly what is the downside to leaving it alone like they tell me to?
None. All is does is provide extra theft security. What they are telling you is BS. If the bike is powered down it does no harm. Half the stuff dealers tell me is BS. This is my 16th motorcycle, been riding and maintaining bikes for 52 years, what would I know? Enjoy that 23GT I sure like mine.
Yeah I know it doesn't say it in the manual but I've talked to more than one mechanic and they said that every time you shut that off it does all the tuning that the bike does Automatically as you ride and it could run like c*** for a while after

it should be the same either way there is still battery power going to the ecu (computer but if you remove one of the battery terminal connectors and wait for a good while or brain dead the circuit (disconected touching bat and neg connecters then it reverts back to the orininal settings that was on the bike when new. that may or maynot cause running problems.
I guess we may never know. I have been shutting it in the off switch when done riding for 27 months and it starts up on the first attempt every time. I hope I didn't bad juju myself by saying that. To be continued...
From what I understand it will not do any permanent damage to the bike it's just that when you ride the bike it has a computer that adjust to your riding altitude et cetera et cetera et cetera when you shut that switch off it basically resets everything in the bike could run bad until it resets itself again