If you are referring to the switch on the frame area below the seat then that is the one my mechanic advised me to leave in the on position. I don’t recall what since that was over two years ago. I use the two switches located on the right handle bar.
I have the switch but of course living in California that's expected. I turn mine off when not riding. In my strange mind I justify it by believing it's less drain on my battery even though I have it on the tinder when not riding. I'm just fu**ed up I think.
I would think you should shut it off but I was told at the dealership it could mess up the computer, that I should never shut it off unless I stored it
it is there so if someone that knows nothing about your bike if you have a wreck has something to turn off.
when we were running mud bogs we had to install a switch on the back with a pull pin and they attched a 100 yard cord so if the throttle stuck from the mud when you came out of the bog it would kill the motor.
i know we went on some wild rides.
The switch, which is only used in some markets is a failsafe. If you kill the master switch on the side of the bike the engine will have to remap its self when restarted. Avoid this if possible. Only use the kill switch if the bike is on fire!