Question about oil change


Feb 22, 2022
Rocket 3R 2022
As per the manual :


Triumph says to add 4.6 liters of oil and then check the oil dip stick and make sure that it reaches maximum mark.

My question is, after adding 4.6 liters of engine oil and lets say it only reaches half way through the maximum mark then we add more oil to make it reach to maximum mark, wouldnt it make Engine take more than 4.6 liters, for instance - after adding 4.6 liters of oil you reach half way through maximum and you have to add 400ml more to reach maximum. so you end putting 5liters of oil in the engine to reach maximum.
Correct or not?
ive added oil after checking using the above procedure...i think by putting 4.5 litres in at the start and then checking you will not overfill from the start...its not going to do any harm with 4.5 litres in it....but by adding a tad and checking you will get it pretty spot on.
ive added oil after checking using the above procedure...i think by putting 4.5 litres in at the start and then checking you will not overfill from the start...its not going to do any harm with 4.5 litres in it....but by adding a tad and checking you will get it pretty spot on.
if I understood correctly, you have added little bit more oil after you added 4.5liter initially? is that correct?
ive added oil after checking using the above procedure...i think by putting 4.5 litres in at the start and then checking you will not overfill from the start...its not going to do any harm with 4.5 litres in it....but by adding a tad and checking you will get it pretty spot on.
What he said... +1
I'm confused, too. I don't know where the oil goes, being a dry sump. I understand that it must be in an oil tank/reservoir, but why do I get such varied readings on dipstick when following Triumph method of checking oil.
When I first got the bike, the P.O. said that she had just had a factory service. I checked oil level as per Triumph and nothing showed on dip stick. I added oil until full level. Next time I checked, she was over full, so I sucked some out. Then she was low again at next check.
I assume, now, that if it's showing on the dip stick then there is oil in the tank.
I would like to learn how dry sump works. When engine stops, in a wet sump, the oil drains through all of the galleries to the sump where the pick up is. Where does the oil drain to in a dry sump? The oil tank is not bellow the bottom of the crank case, so how does the oil not collect at the lowest point? 🤔🤔
I'm confused, too. I don't know where the oil goes, being a dry sump. I understand that it must be in an oil tank/reservoir, but why do I get such varied readings on dipstick when following Triumph method of checking oil.
When I first got the bike, the P.O. said that she had just had a factory service. I checked oil level as per Triumph and nothing showed on dip stick. I added oil until full level. Next time I checked, she was over full, so I sucked some out. Then she was low again at next check.
I assume, now, that if it's showing on the dip stick then there is oil in the tank.
I would like to learn how dry sump works. When engine stops, in a wet sump, the oil drains through all of the galleries to the sump where the pick up is. Where does the oil drain to in a dry sump? The oil tank is not bellow the bottom of the crank case, so how does the oil not collect at the lowest point? 🤔🤔
by leaving it the 3 mins...thats a long time if your sitting there gives the oil time to drain from the will see the serated mark on the stick is substantial so anywhere in that area is good...preferably near middle to top for my thinking.
"The main difference between the wet and dry sump systems is where the oil is stored. With a wet sump, the oil pan under the engine holds all the oil and a pickup is submerged in the oil to supply the single oil pump. A dry sump system relies on a separate holding tank and two oil pumps."