I'm confused, too. I don't know where the oil goes, being a dry sump. I understand that it must be in an oil tank/reservoir, but why do I get such varied readings on dipstick when following Triumph method of checking oil.
When I first got the bike, the P.O. said that she had just had a factory service. I checked oil level as per Triumph and nothing showed on dip stick. I added oil until full level. Next time I checked, she was over full, so I sucked some out. Then she was low again at next check.
I assume, now, that if it's showing on the dip stick then there is oil in the tank.
I would like to learn how dry sump works. When engine stops, in a wet sump, the oil drains through all of the galleries to the sump where the pick up is. Where does the oil drain to in a dry sump? The oil tank is not bellow the bottom of the crank case, so how does the oil not collect at the lowest point?