Pushed it a bit too hard

I once read an article written by a motorcycle crash investigator with close to fifty years experience state that in his opinion he had never seen a single bike fatality on a curve where the rider couldn't have made the curve if he had really committed and reacted properly

That there I do not believe!
The laws of physics set the ultimate limitations and cannot be changed.
Just watch the best skilled riders in the world "really commit" and crash at nearly every race.
Always look where you want to go and if in doubt accelerate a bit, will make the bike sit on the road better and bring the back out a bit pointing you more where you want to go.
Always look where you want to go and if in doubt accelerate a bit, will make the bike sit on the road better and bring the back out a bit pointing you more where you want to go.

We have less straight roads in Europe and lots of curves but corner accidents are much the same the world over. Rockets with the wider section rear Tyre do tend to take a bit more setting up for a corner but when you are set up maintain the lean commitment cause if its going to be an off a low side beats a straight on hands down. ;)
glad that lesson was a free one, Riding with others is a distraction the more bikes the higher the risk, I am reminded from your near accident that when racing or even just riding with others to concentrate/focus even harder on the road ahead.
Always remember, if you can't stop in the distance you can see then you are going too fast.
An old team "Ariel Motorcycles" factory rider once told me pretty much the same thing - "If you can't see where you'll stop when you brake - you'll get hurt." To this day I ride to this rule. I sometimes accept that I might get hurt. And I grind the R3 foot-boards enough to be forewarned.
Sight is most important. Glad it did not end differently. I have to remind myself not to outride my headlights after dark even on familiar highways.
Peg grinding takes on a whole new meaning on the big bikes
