Not to get back on topic but the best lessons are usually the ones "seared" into our minds. Glad you got through yours at only that small price!
While each of us has different riding "limits" and "rules"; it's important to remember that it's not anyone elses limits we have to stay within. The first thing I picked up on was "riding with" and "pushed it". The ego/pride etc has put more people out of their limits than anything else I'd imagine. That too, was a hard lesson to learn and one I was unwilling to listen to when younger. While I'll push it sometimes and love to drag the boards, I absolutely refuse to ride to anyone's limits. I'd rather be the butt of the joke than the host of the funeral
You gotta stay the boss. Keep looking where "you" want to go. The first time you look where the "bike" wants to go, it's all over. Very embarrasing when your butt tries to bite a hole in that leather seat!