Pre-start issues


.020 Over
Jun 1, 2016
Telford, UK
R111 2007 with lots of chrome + Sprint GT 2016
Was away for the weekend on the rocket (07 standard) and its developed a problem. When you turn the ignition on the clocks don't sweep and the idiot lights don't blink on, the tacho sweeps when u start the bike. It also resets both of the trips every time it starts. The bike seems to run ok and the idiot lights work as normal when running. I'm sure I've read about this before, but can't find it now! I've pulled all the fuses and they look ok and I've checked and cleaned as many connectors under the tank as I can see/reach.
Any help or advice gratefully received!

Also may not be connected but at one leg of the journey the speedo didn't work, then after the next stop it's ok again.
OK more info for now - I've run the TuneECU test on the tacho and all is fine but there is an error issue - P1500 Speed Sensor circuit malfunction.
Anyone has any info on this I would appreciate it - obviously could be related to the speedo issue but could it also cause the start up issue.

Also where is the speed sensor? manual is not much help - anyone got a replacement?

Thanks all for your input
P0500 vehicle speed sensor code
in my old triumph book page 11.118 it is called road speed sensor
located on bottom pan near kickstand.
would not think that it would cause starting problems.
i see vss probs all the time on cars but i don't think that anyone has posted a vss prob on the rocket. i would clear that code and see if it comes back. although u might want to look at the sensor for damage or wire probs.
I once had an issue with tacho stopped working and not sweeping turned out that there was no Dielectric grease in the connectors inside the Tach cover checked Speedo it was also dry, mild corrosion can occur in ANY connector that has no Dielectric grease in it, Triumph put the grease in most connectors, I would be checking these and if you come across any other connectors that have no Dielectric Grease on them put it on !!
an interruption in connectivity of the speedo's electrical circuit would have caused the error
I once had an issue with tacho stopped working and not sweeping turned out that there was no Dielectric grease in the connectors inside the Tach cover checked Speedo it was also dry, mild corrosion can occur in ANY connector that has no Dielectric grease in it, Triumph put the grease in most connectors, I would be checking these and if you come across any other connectors that have no Dielectric Grease on them put it on !!
an interruption in connectivity of the speedo's electrical circuit would have caused the error
Yup mine were dry as well, I'm going round all connectors doing that at the moment but it's bloody frustrating! Posting this issue on here as well as other places as I'm open to all suggestions. Wouldn't mind buying new clocks or new ignition switch etc if that would sort it but it's the danger of spending £100s of pounds to just rule out things one at a time. Not giving up yet and thanks to all suggestions so far
It sounds like the speedo itself as RS has seen.
Those are the symptoms - trips reset and no sweep; it is not external to the cluster and replacing it will cure, confirming is internal issue.
I've asked previously for someone to send me their failed cluster so I can at least take a look to see if I can find something (no guarantee I can of course), but no takers so far.
(not practical for you to send from UK)

The speed error is interesting however, have not seen that reported previously as an associated issue.
If you reset that error, does it come back?
It is possible it may be the input power for the sensor (which originates from the cluster) causing the problem and that would be interesting if so, since another 'power' related issue
- clocks sweep, trips and the power out to the speedo are also power rail related vs a signal issue, so pursuing something on those lines is what I would do if I can look at one.
Not sure how comfortable you are in breaking into to it or even what to look for when you get in there; so your practical solution is going to be replacement.

Your concern about possibly being key-switch related would certainly not be the cause here.
Key-Switch has its own problems, but that cannot cause the instrument issues you are seeing.