Pistol carrier

I have the law on my side:)

I have one of those; a Judge Public Defender Model.

It has a snubby two inch barrel. I've shot it a lot with a PD load that's four 000 buckshot in each shell; the Federal Premium Personal Defense load.

I carried it in the swamp last hunting season; but it mainly stays in the end table for living room defense.

Agreed...and there are rivers right here in Texas and Louisiana that I wouldn't do that in either :D

Like I have said before on here....Your Australia and the USA are apx. the same size in land...Australia has apx. 23 million people there..

Here in the USA we have apx. 320 million people....California, not a big state either...Has 38 Million people living there.....The city of Los Angeles was 13 million last year. New York City has 9 million.

The murder Capitol Of the USA is Detroit City.....750,000 people live there and 83% are Black

Durham NC is apx. 39% Black

I know what I just wrote will sound racial.....but facts are facts

I love my Judge too!
think about this
if your mother was 70 years old which sign would you place on her lawn.
#1 i am a 70 year old woman and i have no weapons but my chiwawa will tear your ass up.
#2 i am a 70 year old woman and and i have a 357 and i will blow your balls off if you come through the door with out knocking.
think about this
if your mother was 70 years old which sign would you place on her lawn.
#1 i am a 70 year old woman and i have no weapons but my chiwawa will tear your ass up.
#2 i am a 70 year old woman and and i have a 357 and i will blow your balls off if you come through the door with out knocking.

Neither sign to be honest .. i'd put up ' A rabid born-again Christian resides in this dwelling. Please feel free to enter so I can 'witness' to you about the Good Lord .. i'd be hitting the house next door for sure .. too risky the old buzzard would capture you :x3:
Neither sign to be honest .. i'd put up ' A rabid born-again Christian resides in this dwelling. Please feel free to enter so I can 'witness' to you about the Good Lord .. i'd be hitting the house next door for sure .. too risky the old buzzard would capture you :x3:

Spot on TC. That would scare me a lot more than that .357.
An interesting aside.

Many years ago, an acquaintance of mine represented a professional thief - now both long dead. When I say professional, I mean PROFESSIONAL - he had no interest in harming anyone - just wanted the cash and goods. He NEVER carried a weapon, but he did carry $10,000 in cash. If he was walked in on by the occupier(s) of the premises, he offered them the money in exchange for allowing him to go free. My friend told me it never once failed and the targeted victims never once cooperated with the police to track him down.
We have sites like Youtube to thank for this becoming a global phenomenon. Bit hard to pull your Sig Glock or whatever when your out before you hit the ground.
I have a thick skull...o_O and besides if i was in an area like that i'd always have my finger on the trigger..:cautious:
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how can your guns be ready I guess to be used in self -defense if you first have to find the safe key , punch the safe code, open the door choose the big one turn around and ...you fill the blank!!
I failed to mention that i keep a loaded 380 under the bed within arm reach, a 9 plus one shot gun behind the door and those are proven to work:D