Please help me out? I'm a newbie. Not a novice yet, but I'm upgrading my Rocket 3Touring. Already have my custom exhaust on the way. Shipped today. Haven't received it yet. Ready to install a custom tune also. But, I won't do that until after the custom exhaust pipe is on the bike, and I plan on buying and installing K&N RU-2780's, but I have one questions, and I'd like to "pick your brains for some answers, please?
Well, I really messed up that message. Posted it before I was finished, and said I only had one question, when I actually have more than one. This is for Scorp, tekardi, and everybody else too... I've seen photos on the Internet, where K&N RU-2780's appear to be oval shaped, and others appear round, and everybody complains about the very tight fit under the bear claw. So, are they oval shaped, or round? But, more importantly, I've read about rough running Rockets, that had their air temperature sensors tucked under their gas tanks. Once moved to the edges of the bear claw, or Incorporated into the 2780's, ( stuck somehow, up on top of the throttle bodies, along with the air filters ), the Rocket's began running more smoothly, and stronger, ( reportedly ). This beneficial change is supposed to have been brought about by the cooler air, rushing past the air temperature sensor, once the sensor was placed in the better location, as opposed to the sensor remaining beneath the gas tank, ( surrounded by much warmer air, that's not moving very fast at all ). Is there any validity to this theory? If so, then please assist me in learning how to reposition my air temperature sensor as part of my upcoming K&N RU-2780 installation, please? I don't want my air temperature sensor in a hot closet ( under the gas tank ), in near stagnant air, ( under the gas tank ), if the Rocket will run better with the air temperature sensor placed closer to the airstream. And, one more thing. How about the crankcase vent filter? Can it also be moved to a more advantageous location? Someone told me, the crankcase vent filter can also be moved closer to the airstream, but he hasn't followed up on giving me any details. I want to know "how" to do these things, ( if they are doable ). And if they would benefit the Rocket's performance. That's about it. Thanks all... Russell