Panniers for a 2013 roadster

These Corbin bags are on my 2011 Roadster.

Those corbins are growing on me! Any chance you could take a pic of them opened from above? And maybe also with them removed?

What are the fitting brackets like? How much weight are they rated for? Lockable from the inside?

Shame you got them scuffed, they're being used though aye!
I want to put panniers on my 2013 roadster (something bigger and more secure than the triumph leather saddlebags). I'm sure this will involve changing the stock exhaust into some sort of shorty, and getting a frame made up, but has anyone any recommendations as to which panniers to use? Ideally I would use the Touring panniers but the Touring frame is obviously narrower than the roadster, so even if this was an available option it wouldnt work. The Touring model isnt imported into South Africa anyway.
I had TORs on my old roadster which I was very happy with, but the new roadster exhaust sounds too sanitised for me so am happy to make the exhaust change anyway. Given the very small number of R3s in SA there arent too many options for custom aftermarket stuff, so may have to import from the US I guess

Hi Fat Freddy, I've put hardstreet panniers on mine with easy brackets, the link below should take you to the pics, page 3 :)

If you need anything else let me know

Hardstreet slim bags | R3Owners
Hi Freddy
What panniers have you desided on. I would love to take a look at them. I am in Centurion.
I'd be interested in knowing the load capacity of the hard panniers (Corbin & Viking) vs. the leather saddlebags (Triumph)? Thanks! (Again, your bikes look great!)