That is a beautiful paint job, far more complex than I'm going for.
Rear fender is done, clear hardened much faster than expected. Not show quality, but shows well enough for a street bike. All traces of roadtrip damage are gone.
Feels good fixing parts instead of replacing them! Ended up with a tiny bit of orange peeling, but not very visible, I may go back at it with 2500 grit again. Since I'll be laying some color on top I think I'll hold off and hit it with 800 to prep for base color attention and knock it all out at once.
1000 gritted all the rad shroud pieces, front fender still baking, clear not yet full hard. Once hardened fully I'll knock all the carbon down with 1000 grit and mask it off for the "elements" going on. Tank is deskunkified for good and initial test too see how much/what I'll use to fully strip it done.
Tanks going to need a chemical stripping, the clear from the factory is too much to hand sand through.
We'll sit down and talk it over, your bike will a lot easier, the factory stripes add a lot of work to the prep job because they require you to strip ALL the factory clear off the piece to do it right. Otherwise you can just scuff with 1000 and spray