This'll be the cherry, more red and less brown than the Cadillac color, much closer to what I was looking for.

Austin Martin makes precisely the color I want, but, it can't be had at a reasonable cost, of course.

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This'll be the cherry, more red and less brown than the Cadillac color, much closer to what I was looking for.

Austin Martin makes precisely the color I want, but, it can't be had at a reasonable cost, of course.

Search Google and find the Aston Martin paint code, then contact House of Kolor and they will match it for you.
@everyone (wtf that didn't work) :(

I'm looking for inspiration, have flipped through thousands of images of bikes already. If you have a picture of a bike that blew you away with understated class, yet clearly not a stock paint job, please by all means, I'm "all eyes".

Like everything else, I'll overthink this to D E A T H before making a decision haha.

Simple and understated is always best. Follow the contour of the body lines.
This is what I did to mine

just need a lot of patience with your tape/masking off between colors

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I don't know much about paint processes. I like the paint scheme ot the 2008-20011 Tourings (blue ones).
My favorite all time paint was the Candy Apple Red I've seen on classic cars.
But that Black Cherry. Wow. That's would by my choice if I was going to re-do my ride.
Here is how Triumph painted them over the years-
Good information there if you want to incorporate some of the old designs in your job.
I like their burgundy color, understated and classy. It doesn’t look too far from wild cherry.
Personally I hate Burgundy, my Dad has a old Mitsubishi Verada (Diamante in USA) and my Sunset red 1050 Sprint is a lighter version.

I would still like this though! It was auctioned tonight here in Oz. pretty sure it didn't reach reserve.
Many more great photos.


Heaps more interesting cars/colors;):cool::D I posted links here: