I glad you started this thread. I’ve known for quite some time when I get my bike repainted,I am going with the Harley Blood Orange paint,looks red in the shade,but in sunlight looks very deep with flake. I just didn’t like the root beer black for the accent colour. I think I prefer some of the black and cherry ideas , thanks.
It was at Au$71,000 (US$48,000) + 7.5% so Au$76,000 (US$52,000) at close of auction but I am pretty sure with under 1000 miles from new it was passed in.
Nothing has given me an "I must have it" reaction when looking through paints, except, this. Go to 0:30, when he's got a wide shot on the passenger side. See the "slight" purple/red shimmer in the sun, but otherwise black. 0:39 has a good close-up, it's black with tinted metallic instead of really dark wine color. THAT, is what I've been looking for:
Sad times when K I A makes the best black cherry OEM color lol.
PS: Try to imagine it without factory option Orange Peel.
So nice the work that went in that car , it’s totally worth it, the guy that’s doing my bike he’s done cars that look like that and seeing him work on cars he’s a master at 78 years old I feel so lucky getting him to work on my bike. It’s amazing what these guys can do with metal.