I glad you started this thread. I’ve known for quite some time when I get my bike repainted,I am going with the Harley Blood Orange paint,looks red in the shade,but in sunlight looks very deep with flake. I just didn’t like the root beer black for the accent colour. I think I prefer some of the black and cherry ideas , thanks.
Nothing has given me an "I must have it" reaction when looking through paints, except, this. Go to 0:30, when he's got a wide shot on the passenger side. See the "slight" purple/red shimmer in the sun, but otherwise black. 0:39 has a good close-up, it's black with tinted metallic instead of really dark wine color. THAT, is what I've been looking for:

Sad times when K I A makes the best black cherry OEM color lol.

PS: Try to imagine it without factory option Orange Peel.
So nice the work that went in that car , it’s totally worth it, the guy that’s doing my bike he’s done cars that look like that and seeing him work on cars he’s a master at 78 years old I feel so lucky getting him to work on my bike. It’s amazing what these guys can do with metal.
That is also very nice, the older or custom cars look so much more stylish and expensive looking compared to the newer cars.
Change the interior of that Sportage to tan and it is currently parked in my driveway. Mine is an 18 though, not a 20