Paint Colors

This'll be the cherry, more red and less brown than the Cadillac color, much closer to what I was looking for.

Austin Martin makes precisely the color I want, but, it can't be had at a reasonable cost, of course.

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This'll be the cherry, more red and less brown than the Cadillac color, much closer to what I was looking for.

Austin Martin makes precisely the color I want, but, it can't be had at a reasonable cost, of course.

Search Google and find the Aston Martin paint code, then contact House of Kolor and they will match it for you.

Simple and understated is always best. Follow the contour of the body lines.
This is what I did to mine

just need a lot of patience with your tape/masking off between colors

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I don't know much about paint processes. I like the paint scheme ot the 2008-20011 Tourings (blue ones).
My favorite all time paint was the Candy Apple Red I've seen on classic cars.
But that Black Cherry. Wow. That's would by my choice if I was going to re-do my ride.
Personally I hate Burgundy, my Dad has a old Mitsubishi Verada (Diamante in USA) and my Sunset red 1050 Sprint is a lighter version.

I would still like this though! It was auctioned tonight here in Oz. pretty sure it didn't reach reserve.
Many more great photos.

Heaps more interesting cars/colors I posted links here: