Ordered a windshield -Must be getting old!

I have the roadster screen and am still in the process of trying to find the right spot for it. At its lowest position I got a tremendous amount of buffeting and in the middle and highest position. I only got wind noise. Which I don't mind. What I didn't like was that when I went to open my visor at highway speed the turbulence caused by the screen forces my visor down.
All that to say I like the feeling of no pressure on my chest, I don't mind the sound of the wind, I just got to find the screen's sweet spot.

I guess I got lucky with the placement on my screen.

I get the buffeting noise some, but no kind of pressure like that on my visor, as it stays at whatever level I place it.

I rode bare faced yesterday to the dealer's as I was intent on buying a lighter colored helmet for summer use, and my glasses stayed on with no problems.

I did get caught behind a dump truck for a few miles, which really sucked what with all the sand blowing back.
windshields since age 50, that be 17 years ago won't leave garage with out it. folks that don't like the " look " can look the other way.
Like your name 2toneblue, as those are the colors of 2007 classic ,which is coming across country to reside in my garage----and hope it is the same 2 tone blue as my hannigan astro2 side car, which I hope to marry it up to.

Ya it's pretty strange, at highway speed, I lift my visor and the wind slams it shut which tells me that the turbulence caused by the winscreen is right at the top of my helmet. How tall are you, I'm 5'11".
I'm pretty sure I know what's happening, the wind is coming back to fill the voi from behind the screen, back draft I guess. No issues though I'm sure I'll figure it out. I may be that guy where the laminar lip works for.
I do have to admit that I was pretty apprehensive about adding the roadster screen but I like what it provides. All I wanted was a little pressure off the Chest but still have the wind around my head. I wear a full face on long trips so I have the ability to control my wind. I'll probably never ride without one again.
My previous bike was a Yamaha FJR1300...it had a power adjustable windshield. I normally road with the windshield in the lowest position unless it was very cold/rainy. When I would power up the windshield to a taller position while riding down the highway it was shocking to feel the effects of the wind. At the full up position there was a strong vacuum pulling me forward towards the windshield. You had to experience it to believe it. I am sure that bike speed and rider height would all factor in to this.....not sure how a fixed windshield can deal with this effectively.

I'm somewhere between 5'10" and 5' 11" I think, as when I was younger I was 6', with a 31" inseam. Now a 30" inseam lays down on my feet some.

I believe my screen may be further forward than the usual, as I never had one before. So that may change the buffeting, etc.

When I mounted it posted some pics and asked if it was OK or not, but didn't get much response. At least no one said it looked stupid.
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I did something similar. I pushed my fly screen out 2" and it helped with buffeting somewhat...still not nearly as effective on long trips as my summer screen though
I did something similar. I pushed my fly screen out 2" and it helped with buffeting somewhat...still not nearly as effective on long trips as my summer screen though

Ah, so that explains it.

Just dumb luck on my part.

We didn't have the heart to tell you!!!!!!!!
Just Kidding.... I just got a new (never fitted) one from another member here - Exactly the same.